OverclockingID – NVIDIA hari ini merilis versi terbaru dari perangkat lunak driver GeForce Versi 511.17 memulai debut penomoran versi seri 510 untuk perangkat lunak. Driver ini memperkenalkan dukungan untuk kartu grafis GeForce RTX 3080 12 GB terbaru. Driver juga memperbaiki bug pada game “Detroit: Become Human” di mana stutter acak diamati pada permainan; teks berkedip di Windows dengan warna 12-bit saat diaktifkan dan freezing pada penunjuk mouse saat mengaktifkan HDR dari dalam Panel Kontrol Windows, setelah mengaktifkan G-SYNC dari Panel Kontrol NVIDIA.

New Features and Other Changes
- This release supports the new NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (12 GB) GPU.
Fixed Issues in this Release
- [Detroit Become Human]: Random stuttering/freezing occurs in the game. [3389250]
- Flicker/disappearing text when 12-bit color is used [3358884]
- [HDR][G-Sync]: Mouse pointer gets stuck after turning on HDR from the Windows Control Panel or after toggling G-Sync from the NVIDIA control panel. [200762998]
To work around, click the mouse (right or left button). The mouse cursor will be sluggish for a few seconds before returning to normal operation.
Known Issues
- [Deathloop][HDR]: TDR/corruption occurs in the game with Windows HDR enabled. [200767905] If this issue occurs, toggle the Windows HDR setting.
- Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed may crash on courses where players drive through water. [3338967]
- In multi-monitor configurations, the screen may display random black screen flicker. [3405228]
- [NVIDIA Advanced Optimus][NVIDIA Control Panel]: After setting the display multiplexer type to “dGPU”, the setting is not preserved across a reboot or resume from S4. [200779758]
- [NVIDIA Image Scaling][Desktop]: The screen moves to the upper left corner on cold boot when Image Scaling is applied to the desktop. [3424721] Do not apply NVIDIA Image Scaling to the desktop. It is intended only for video upscaling or for games which do not run with a scaling resolution unless the same Image Scaling resolution is applied on the desktop.
- NVIDIA Image Scaling][DirectX 11 video apps]: With Image Scaling enabled, video playback is corrupted or results in a system hang after performing an HDR transition. [3431284]
Unduh disini : NVIDIA GeForce 511.17 WHQL